ディレクター選挙公約(60) 「TICAアジア2020五輪記念プロジェクト」検討

2020年の夏季東京五輪開催に併せ、TICAアジアリジョンとして何ができるかを考える「TICAアジア2020 五輪記念プロジェクト」をスタートします。希望者を募り、その時までにどのようなアジアリジョンにし、どのようなイベントを開催すべきかなどを検討し、結果はリジョンサイトで公表するとともに、次のディレクターに引き継ぎます。(11月29日)
I set up a project team "TICA Asia Exploratory Committee for the Olympic Summer Games of 2020". I seek members for this. We consider the possibility of the events and also study what we should see the TICA Asia Region by that time. I will publish results of a series of considerations, and carry over into next Asia Director.

ディレクター選挙公約(59) 自ら”稼ぐ”リジョン運営目指します!

If I am elected, I try to make more money on Asia Region's own. I and region stuffs will discuss the ability to self-publish TICA Asia Original Calendar or Cats Booklets etc. with the assistance of members and photographers in control of the rights.

ディレクター選挙公約(58) 「TICAルールみんなで考えよう!」プロジェクト

I launch a new project named "Let's think about new TICA Rules" in order to reflect the various views and opinions of TICA Asia members about making new rules and amendment. I try to make an efforts to announce the content of the discussion in the Board of Directors as possible as I can disclose, and I gather opinions from Asia TICA members. I try to work on amending and revising TICA rules from Asia Region.

ディレクター選挙公約(57) 「パブリック・コメント」制度を導入します!

I plan to introduce "Public Comment Systema" to Asia region. When Asia Region decides someting or introduces some systems, I will gather various views and opinions from wide range of TICA Asia members, and I adjust and modify what I should correct or amend. I will never challenge someone to a fight in the name of "Strong leadership" or coerce someone into doing what he/she doesn't want to do. I manage the Asia Region besed on "Accedence""Understanding" and "Consent"

ディレクター選挙公約(56) メンバーの要望をDB化「みんニャの声」

"How about this idea?""I want to be able to do that""Why don't you look at it this way?". I try to create new database that gathers a wide range of requests or proposals from TICA Asia members and I will sort these requests and proposals by subject. I make these available to all TICA Asia members. Even if we can not realize immediately, I prepare for the days when we get a chance to realize sometime.

ディレクター選挙公約(55) 「ニュース!にゃんでもWorld」を始めます!

I deliver the news about the cats around domestic and international on the Asia Region website. I plan to introduce company's news about cats' goods and medical/pharmaceutical supplies for cats, pet event announcement, and pets' policy trend etc.

ディレクター選挙公約(54) 3つの「初」を重視して運営します!

I emphasize the merit of three ways of thinking. One is "Achieve one's original objectives". Second is "Don't forget the enthusiasm you had at the beginning". Third is "Initial response". These are essential way of thinking for the TICA Director. Doing nothing is doing ill. Among the most important is "Initial response" in the aspect of risk managiment. There's no way to manage the sound Region without "Initial response".

ディレクター選挙公約(53) アジアSpecial Award「ベスト・クラーク賞」

ショー年度を通じてクラークとしてたくさんショーに参加された方や優れた活躍をされた方を表彰するAsia Region Special Award「ベスト・クラーク」賞をTICA本部や関係者と調整の上、創設します。ショーを安全で円滑に進行させるうえでクラークの仕事は大切です。今後、クラークになる人材を育てることにもつなげたいと思います。 (11月23日)
I plan to give Asia Region Special Award "Best Clerk" to the clerks who contributed many shows or played an important role in shows in Asia after making the necessary amendments to the plan with all the parties concerned including TICA Exective Office. It is very important that the clerks manage the ring smoothly safely. I try to bridge this Special Award with developing of human resources in Clerks.

ディレクター選挙公約(52) 「MVB」「MVE」「地方振興賞」など特別表彰

ショー年度を通じてアジアリジョンのショーに最も活躍された方々に「MVB(Most Valuable Breeder)」「MBE(Most Valuable Exhibitor)」「新人賞」をAsia Region Special Awardとして表彰します。またそれぞれについて地方のショーで活躍された方々に「地方振興賞」も検討します。関係機関と調整のうえ、導入したいと思います。(11月22日)
I plan to give Asia Region Special Award "MVB(Most Valuable Breeder)""MBE(Most Valuable Exhibitor)" who contributed many shows or played an important role in shows in Asia after making the necessary amendments to the plan with all the parties concerned including TICA Exective Office. I also consider to give "MVB""MBE" for provincial area in Japan and rest of Asia regions exhibitors and breeders.

ディレクター選挙公約(51) Facebookに「TICAアジア」のページを開設!

I create a new page "TICA Asia Region" on Facebook, and strengthen measures to transmit information from Asia to all over the world. I use Facebook to get publicity for TICA Asia and the attractiveness of Catshow. I try to increase the number of TICA Asia members.

ディレクター選挙公約(50) YouTubeに「TICAアジア」チャンネルを開設

I open up new channel for TICA Asia Region in YouTube, and I will post various video about Asia Region Show. I try to introduce attractiveness of cat show in Asia Region toward a wide range of Asian people and also try to increase TICA members in Asia.

ディレクター選挙公約(49) 経験をDB化した「ニャレッジ・マネジメント」導入

I try to make a database of various convenient ideas and experiences that were happened in the shows. I name this DB "Nyaledge Management" named after one of well known management thinking, "Knowledge Management" that shares implicit knowledge and empirical value in the organization or in the company. All of Asia members can use this as a reference in anytime.

ディレクター選挙公約(48) 「議論”見える化”」プロジェクトをスタート!

ディレクターは今、何を考えているのか? リジョンスタッフの間で何が話し合われているのか? それぞれの委員会で議論はどこまで進んでいるのか?−−などを包み隠さず、偽らず、タイムリーに紹介するようにする「議論”見える化”」プロジェクトをスタートします。メンバー全員の「知る権利」に応え、真の情報共有を実現します。(11月18日)
"What is the Director thinking?" "What are the Region staffs discussing?" "How far is the discussion proceeding in each committee?" I will launch "visualization" projects to disclose the content of the discussion to the members timely, without any disguise, and honestly. I respond the members demand for "right-to-know" and achieve the intended objective of genuine "information sharing".

ディレクター選挙公約(47) 「三助」の精神で運営します!

In managing Asia Region, I will promote three spirit of "mutual help" "mutual assistance" "self-help" that were established by Yozan UESUGI. I believe that "members help each other" "Director and Region staffs give assistance to members" and "self-help efforts of the members" benefit Asia Region governance. If we can get there three sprit, we don't need "strong leadership"anymore, and Asia Region can step forward powerfully.

ディレクター選挙公約(46) 「為せば成る」の精神で全力投球します!

I concentrate all my energies into my work with "can-do spirit". As the word of Yozan UESUGI, the lord of the Yonezawa domain, if nothing will be done in Asia Region, the Asia Region Director didn't try to do anything. If the Director doesn't try to take action, nothing would lead to good results. Achieving nothing is due to the Director's own intention to not try.

ディレクター選挙公約(45) 「不公平」と「不平等」の是正に全力を挙げます!

I will try to put all my efforts into correcting "injustice" and "inequality". I try to focus on the projects that can reduce the gap between Japan and other Asian regions, between Tokyo and other cities in Japan, between clubs, between members. The injustice and the inequality do not always go together, but I will try to link discrimination between "ought to be injustice" and "ought to be inequality" to real sound TICA Asia Region.

ディレクター選挙公約(44) 誰かの「威を借る」運営はいたしません!

I never manage the Asia Region under the shelter of another's influence. I will try to pay full attention to the advice and opinions of all of TICA members and try to introduce them that I think ought to do. I never bring irresistible pressure on someone under the shelter of another's influence. I never get someone into hot water through abusing someone's words. I don't try to manage the Asia Region with overextending myself. I try to manage the Asia Region as living within my means with keeping my expectations realistic.

ディレクター選挙公約(43) 自らの「出処進退」は筋を通します!

I will decide on whether to resign by myself with logically correction. I am not attached to power and position, I sincerely take responsibility for the problems that I should take responsibility. Not only to decide on whether to resign by myself, I will overcome with logically correction, I am never awkwardly silent or never excuse myself with saying what doesn't make sense, even if I receive much criticism and even if challenges and difficulties are confronting against me. I will try to realize the "Logically correction Region" with everyone's cooperation.

ディレクター選挙公約(42) 「5無」「7無」排除のリジョン運営を徹底!

I try to eliminate five harmful attitude in Asia region. Two of them are "do-nothingism", and others are "irresponsibility""unconcern""unconsciousness". Various troubles that occurred in Asia Region resulted most commonly from these five harmful attitude, and I should add that I think "apathy" and "powerlessness" compounded the problems. I revitalize the Asia Region by eliminating not only three harmful attitude but also five and seven harmful attitude.

ディレクター選挙公約(41) 「知らぬ存ぜぬ」の態度は取りません!

I would never keep my head in the sand. I will try to take responsibility for the entire Asia Region. I particularly hear from the parties and judge objectively based on the facts regarding to the "Protest", troubles between clubs, between members. I would try to resolve the problems with sincerity, I would never say "I have not read the Protest documents yet" including counterargument documents.

ディレクター選挙公約(40) 「不易流行」の精神を大切にします!

I place a high priority on the motto of "Fueki Ryuko(Continuity and Change)". This way of thinking is one of the basic philosophy of "Basho-style" seventeen-syllable verse, originally put forward by a well-known haiku poet, Basyo Matsuo. "Fueki Ryuko" indicates us that "Continuity" in a timeless way and "Change" with the flow of the times are not opposed to each other, they are compatible. I also try to inherit what I should inherit, and try to change what I should to change in a firm attitude.

ディレクター選挙公約(39) 「同意」「理解」「納得」の”三位一体”を重視します!

I manage the Asia Region with an emphasis on "accedence""understanding""consent". It may be possible to obtain someone's assent by strong leadership, but it is meaningless without "understanding". Even if I can get "understanding", I can not reach the goals with the cooperation of members without "consent". These three elements of the Trinity are an essential point to the management of Asia Region.

ディレクター選挙公約(38) 「白黒つける」べきははっきりつけます!

I never neglect the issues, and I would make it clear whether things are right or wrong. I never confound right and wrong. I never turn a blind eye to wrong things. Of course I understand that there are "gray" things next to "black" depending on things in the world. But even so, I try to make an effort to make "gray" things next to "white".

ディレクター選挙公約(37) 「ロジカル・シンキング」を重視します!

I try to make a thorough the way of "Logical Thinking". This is positioned as the important way of thinking that are based on the assumption of "rational sense" and " theoretical explanation" in the business. I try to make the Asia Region be free of "excuses""ass-covering ""so-what attitude", and I turn Asia Region into a genuine sound organization.

ディレクター選挙公約(36) 「密約」「談合」「裏取引」はいたしません!

クラブ員やメンバーの意思を蔑(ないがし)ろにするような「密約」や「談合」「裏取引」は一切しません! 独断や独善で決めるようなことはせず、政策の立案から実施に至るプロセスも明らかにするなど、メンバーの「知る権利」を最大限に尊重します。基本的にできる限りオープンにし、隠しごとのないリジョン運営に取り組みます。(11月6日)
I never do "secret promise""bid-rigging""backdoor trade" that lead to ignore member's rights and will. I respect "right-to-know " of TICA Members as much as possible, as I disclose the process of policy planning and the implementation. I never decide on my own authority or with self-righteousness. I try to make everything more open and I never hide anything from everyone.

ディレクター選挙公約(35) 「説明責任」を果たすことを誓います!

If I win this election, I commit myself to fulfill my responsibilities as Asia Director to make a full explanation. I never think "The exhibitors little know", I make a full effort to get "understanding" and "consent" from the exhibitors with a sufficient explanation. I would like to allow the way of thinking "Informed consent" to take root in Asia Region.

ディレクター選挙公約(34) 「迷い猫保護」と「地域猫活動」支援プロジェクト

I will consider ways and means how to take an active interest as TICA Asia Region in the actvities of "Rescue of stray cat". This is a one of the important activities in TICA all over the world, but Asia Region engaged little. I will set up a project team to consider what and how Asia Region works on this issue among all the Asia Region members.

ディレクター選挙公約(33) 「反論」「訂正」も適時開示を徹底します!

I will make "Timely Disclosure" about "Correction""Amendment" and "Counterstatement". When I was pointed out something from members, I try to confirm the facts. If there are misunderstanding or misidentification, I take swift countermeasures. I never behave in a derelict manner that reveals the two sides of a human character, and I never neglect the issues. I will make an effort to clear someone's misunderstanding that should be dispeled, and I will amend incorrect things that should be corrected.

ディレクター選挙公約(32) 「Exhibitor First」の精神を徹底します!

アジアリジョンにおいて出陳者のためを第一に考える「Exhibitor First」の精神を根付かせます。同時に「Exhibitor Friendly(出陳者にとって親しみやすい)」「Exhibitor Oriented(出陳者志向)」の精神も徹底したいと思います。これら3つの精神をメンバー全員が共有することで、出陳者を大切にするリジョン運営を実現します。(11月2日)
I try to set the spirit of "Exhibitor First" solidly in Asia Region. At the same time, as sales manager, I encourage the spirit of "Exhibitor Friendly" and "Exhibitor Oriented". I realize Asia Region where everyone takes care of "Exhibitors" by sharing these three spirit.

ディレクター選挙公約(31) 「フレッシャーズ・フォーラム」を開催

I plan to hold "Forum for Freshers". "Freshers" mean the exhibitors and breeders who have around three years' experience in TICA. I try to stamp out the bad practices and bring a fresh sensitivity to Asia Region by hearing from members about the traditional practices and customary practices through fresh eyes by providing for face-to-face meetings between Asia Region Director and members.

ディレクター選挙公約(30) ディレクターの職務に対するチェック機能を導入

I will introduce original checking system that checks the Director to perform Director's duty perfectly and to fulfill Director's obligations, after arrangements through all other authorities concerned. I set up Exploratory Committee in Asia region and devise appropriate mechanisms about this. I try to introduce the mechanisms that all the members can express an opinion or confidence against the Director other than "De-election".

ディレクター選挙公約(29) TICA情報を「早く」「正確に」「わかりやすく」

I fully enforce the "Timely Disclosure" in Asia Region. I try to let all the Asian TICA members inform the information "timely""correctly" and "easy-to-understand". I will make every effort not to deliver the false information and not to write anything that leads to confusion and misinterpretation.

ディレクター選挙公約(28) 「デュー・プロセス」を徹底します!

I place a high priority on the way of thinking "due process" in Asia Region. "Due process" is legal term and means "to be done in the proper and appropriate procedures". For example, each member has to write the name of candidate by oneself, not to give the blank Ballot to other members. I would get rid of words and actions that ignore proper protocols and appropriate procedures. I will spread the spirit of "Compliance" in Asia Region.

ディレクター選挙公約(27) 「地方のショー振興」特別会計を検討

I separate the accounting of Asia Region divided into the general accounts and the special accounts. I plan to use special accounts for provincial show. The general accounts is used for all TICA Asia Mebers equally, and the special accounts is used for members and clubs in the provinces. I try to create a accounting system that is both fair and highly transparent.

ディレクター選挙公約(26) 年に1回、リジョン会計報告をします!

I generate an annual accounting report of Asia Region and disclose information to Asia Region website. I will try to flesh out the details of plan whether it starts from January or from May in conformity with show season. I try to enhance the transparency of Asia Region Accounting and make a system for sharing accounting information among all members. I will make all the members keep a close check on Asia Region Accounting.

ディレクター選挙公約(25) アンケート実施から分析までを担う「調査チーム」

I set up a "Research team" that takes the central role in carrying out a questionnaire survey and analyzing the result of a questionnaire. "Carrying out a questionnaire" means not merely "Just making questions". Know-how of making a question is critical to succeeding in a questionnaire. "Research team" is engaged in the work of making questions, summary of a questionnaire, analysis of data etc. I will share problems with all Asia TICA members by getting throughout carrying out a questionnaire.

ディレクター選挙公約(24) 出陳者満足度(ES)調査を実施します!

リジョンショーにおける出陳者の満足度を調べる「出陳者満足度(EX=Exhibitor Satisfaction)」調査を実施します。顧客満足度(CS=Custmer Satisfaction)調査と同じ手法で、出陳者の満足度を定量的に把握できるようにし、満足度を上げる努力をすることで、アジアリジョンの継続的な発展につなげます。(10月25日)
I will carry out "Exhibitor Satisfaction(ES)" survey about Asia Region Show. ES survey is same as "Customer Satisfaction(CS)" survey. I try to realize to the sustainable development of Asia Region by increasing the ES based on quantitatively-assessed.

ディレクター選挙公約(23) 「ディレクター支持率調査」を実施します!

I will take a survey of approval rating for Asia Region Director on a regular basis, same as approval rating for the Cabinet in an opinion poll. I also ask "a reason in support" and "a reason in not support", I will disclose these in Asian Region website. I execute my duties with a sense of tension, not to be bloated with pride by winning Director's election.

ディレクター選挙公約(22) 「風評監視委員会」を設置し、悪質な噂を一掃!

I will form a watchdog committee against harmful rumors in Asia Region. This committee monitors for signs that someone intends to spread vicious rumor or groundless gossip, or somebody experiences harassment by such rumors and gossips. If I confirm that someone was hit hard by harmful rumors, I will make a thorough investigation of the issue, and I try to prevent unnecessary damage by rumors and gossips. I realize there are no members who are troubled over someone's words and behavior.

ディレクター選挙公約(21) セミナー・勉強会のレベルを向上します!

I will try to boost the seminar and workshop to the next level more and more. I would correct the bad practices to make up time with chatting, and to count attendee list in spite of absence. I create the structures needed in "debate" and I encourage the members to express clearly one's own opinion, to participate actively in the seminar and workshop.

ディレクター選挙公約(20) 「副ディレクター」「チーフ・アドバイザー」を導入します

As part of reform of Asia Region Office, I appoint Deputy Asia Director who can lead Asia Region with me. I also appoint a chief of advisor from among veteran judges separately from "Eminent Persons Group in Asia Region". I would like to receive various opinion, proposal, recommendation from a chief of advisor.

ディレクター選挙公約(19) 「トラブル仲裁・調停指針」を策定します

I try to draw up new protocol or procedures about arbitration and reconciliation against the troubles in Asia Region. I encourage a peaceful solution verifiably in full compliance with new protocol or procedures that I disclose. As Asia Region Director, I will get involved in these troubles and I try to lead toward compromise settlement through dialogue. I make efforts toward the early resolution along with members' commonsense, not to impose Director's opinion that Director believes passionately.

ディレクター選挙公約(18) 固定メンバーによる「リジョン事務局」を廃止します

I dismantle the organization of "Asia Region Office" with fixed Region staffs. I keep Region staffs to a minimum and I recruit staffs from among Asia members widely. I will change the Asia Region Organization where the members who want to participate in the projects or teams, can participate in free at member's request. I lead to realize to "Open Region" and "All-hands Region with all of members".

ディレクター選挙公約(17) ボード決議の情報開示強化を働きかけます!

I will work on the Board of TICA to strengthen of disclosure of detail results of Ballots. If the Board decides not to disclose results in detail, I ask the Board to disclose the reasons or grounds of "Why the Board can not disclose" and I also ask the Board to fulfill accountability about the Ballots. At present, the Board didn't disclose the detail results of all of the Ballots about "Who voted Yes" "Who voted NO" or "Passed by a vote of ** to **""Failed by ** votes" etc.

ディレクター選挙公約(16) アジアリジョン「決める仕組み」検討委員会を発足

I will set up a new system to decide something as Asia Region. At present, there is no "Decision making system" or "Decision making mechanism" in Asia Region. I try to develop a process or protocol or procedure about "Decision making". I will set up a special committee and make a working draft. Then I seek members' opinions about it, I try to make a specific plan about this.

ディレクター選挙公約(15) リジョンショーの詳細な「収支報告」を開示します

I will make an income and expenditure reports on Asia Region Show and disclose reports in detail on Asia Region website. When some members ask about income and expenditure relating Asia Region Show, I try to disclose actively within the scope of the Private Information Protection Law. I aim for the realization of a highly transparent Region management.

ディレクター選挙公約(14) 「クイズで学ぼう!猫の遺伝学」を始めます

Third series of "Let's learn with a quiz" focuses on "Feline Genetics". I would like to provide helpful information to the preparation or the review of Genetics Seminar to allow members to learn in a lighthearted and fun manner. In the future, I will prepare the quiz according to beginner's level, middle level, high-level, as the members can expand their knowledge of genetics from beginners to judges.

ディレクター選挙公約(13) 「クイズで学ぼう!TICAルール」を始めます

Second series of "Let's learn with a quiz" focuses on "TICA Rules". I will provide helpful information for the members to expand their knowledge of TICA Rules. The members can learn casually in anytime. The main subjects are "Close to the TICA Rules" and "Familiar to the TICA Rules". I provide the convenient tools that enable the members from beginners to veterans to learn in an enjoyable way.

ディレクター選挙公約(12) 「クイズで学ぼう!猫のスタンダード」を始めます

First series of "Let's learn with a quiz" focuses on "TICA Standard". I will provide helpful information for the members to get knowledge of TICA Standard. The members can learn casually in anytime. In the future, I will prepare the quiz according to beginner's level, middle level, high-level, as the members can expand their "Standard" knowledge from beginners to judges.

ディレクター選挙公約(11) ベテランジャッジなどによる「賢人会議」を発足

I establish "Eminent Persons Group" in Asia Region, composed of veteran judges and veteran breeders, to hear the opinion and proposals from a broader perspective about governance of Asia Region. I will make use of the wisdom of the wise and experience of ages within the realities of Show management and know-how that enable to enjoy beyond generations. I disclose various opinion, proposal, recommendation from "Eminent Persons Group" in Asia Region website.

ディレクター選挙公約(10) 「頑張ってます! 地方のショーから」を新設

リジョンサイト上で地方のショーの様子や地方ならではの話題を紹介するとともに、地方のクラブが抱える悩みや課題なども話してもらう「頑張ってます! 地方のショーから」を新設します。地方のショーのPRに役立ててもらうほか、参加者をいかに増やすかなど地方のショーを盛り上げるための方策をみんなで考えられるようにします。(10月10日)
I set up a new content "Good luck! from a provincial Show" in Asia Region website. It introduces a provincial Show and unique topics to a province, and provides troubles and problems at the TICA clubs in a province, in order for this content to be of the greatest assistance to PR. I provide a web page where all the members consider ways and means how to increase the exhibitors in a provincial Show and how to set the mood for the Show in a province.

ディレクター選挙公約(9) 「World Report〜世界のショーから」を新設

世界各地のショーの様子をリジョンサイト上で紹介する「World Report〜世界のショーから」を新設します。例えば今月5-6日には世界の主要団体合同のショー「EXPOCAT2013」がモスクワで開催。賞品として車が贈られたほか、人の高さほどの巨大ロゼットも登場しました。日本からの参加者にレポートをお願いし、幅広く紹介します。(10月9日)
I create new contents of "World Report from Cat Show all over the world" in Asia Region website. For example, "EXPOCAT2013" was held in Moscow October 5-6th. This show was co-hosted TICA, CFA etc. Huge Rosette with the size of a human hight appeared on the scene, and the best cat owner was awarded a car. I ask participants to report and I offer a broad introduction of the cat show of the world.

ディレクター選挙公約(8) 育成プログラム「目指せ! TICAジャッジ!!」

ジャッジを目指す人を増やし、ジャッジになることを支援する育成プログラムを始めます。リジョンサイト上で「目指せ! TICAジャッジ!!」の専用ページを開設。心得からトレーニーになるための手順やポイントを解説するほか、ベテランジャッジによる「応援メッセージ」を掲載し、TICAアジアの将来を担う優秀な人材を発掘、育成します。(10月8日)
I will conduct TICA judges development programs for tne members who want to become a judge. I create own page on Asia Region website and provide comprehensive commentaries on becoming a judge. I will post Judges' comments or messages to the members who want to become a judge. I will try to recruit hidden talent and to cultivate core personnel in charge of future of Asia Region.

ディレクター選挙公約(7) 「TICAアジア・バーチャル・シンクタンク」を発足

I establish "TICA Asia Virtual Think-tank " that makes future practical proposals about TICA Asia Region. I advertise for the members and make a speculative draft about how to bring a lot of excitement to a provincial Show or about whether or not Japan should be separated from Asia Region etc. I try to make an arrangement to discuss with important issues.

ディレクター選挙公約(6) 「TICAアジア35年史」編纂プロジェクトをスタート!

I launch new project to compile "TICA Asia 35years history". This is not just a chronological table. I aim for compiling "Column" and "Interview" and passing down correct history to young generation in Asia Region. This project is aimed at increasing new TICA Asia members.

ディレクター選挙公約(5) 「エキジビションショー」&「Meet the Breed」を開催

一般の方々にキャットショーとはどんなものかを知ってもらうため「エキシビションショー」を開催します。会場内では一般の方々が様々な種類の猫達とふれあい、理解を深められるよう「Meet the Breed」をテーマにした説明会のほか、TICAの活動を紹介することでメンバーの拡大につなげたいと思います。(10月4日)
I hold "TICA Asia Exhibition Show" in Tokyo as many people as possible know about the TICA Show. And I set up an area of "Meet the Breed" where people can know and contact with various breed of cats. I try to increase the TICA members by introducing activities of TICA Asia.

ディレクター選挙公約(4) 日本以外のアジアを対象に「Special Award」を創設

韓国や台湾、マレーシアなど日本以外の地域の猫/オーナーさんを対象に「Asia Region Special Award」表彰制度をTICA本部や関係者と調整の上、創設します。各クラストップ5の猫/オーナーさんに盾やロゼット、表彰状を送ります。日本以外のメンバーの励みにして頂くとともに、新たなメンバー拡大につなげます。(10月3日)
I will introduce Asia Region Special Awards Program for Asia Regions except Japan after making arrangements through all other related parties. Asia Region awards Rosette or plaque to top 5 cats owners in all of classes. I think it's quite an encouraging thing for Asia Regions members except Japanese.

ディレクター選挙公約(3) リジョンサイト上で初心者向け「ショーガイド」開設

I estedablish new page of "Cat Show Guide-Welcome to TICA" in Asia Region website. I provide "One Stop Service" about how to enjoy the show, outline the mechanics of the cat show, show manners etc. I set up pages that are for examples "FAQs" and "Want to ask about/Want to learn about".

ディレクター選挙公約(2) eラーニング方式の「クラーキングスクール」を開講

I offer "Clerking School Programs" in Asia Region website by using the way of e-learning programs. The member can learn about clerking acquaintanceship and actual practices in anytime online. I set up corners about "One point Commentary of this week" and "Question of this week""What should the clerk do at a time like this" etc.

ディレクター選挙公約(1) リジョンサイトで「日本語版ルール」を無料公開!

アジアリジョンサイト上で「Show Rule」や「By-Low」「Standard」などの日本語訳を順次、無料で公開します。何千円もかけて買う必要がないようにします。翻訳家に任せるのではなく、Wikipedia方式を採用し、メンバー全員で猫界のみなさんが理解しやすい最適な日本語に翻訳し、提供したいと思います。(9月30日)
I release "TICA Show Rule""By-Low""Standard" in Japanese with no charge in Asia Region website. It will be not necessary to pay anymore. I don't ask a translator to translate, I introduce the ways and means of Wikipedia style. I provide an appropriate translation with easy-to-understand.